Some things are best left for the shine of daylight. When that isn’t an option, the good folks of Sundown Consulting are the first to be called. Specializing in the eldritch and obscure, SDC agents work only the most challenging of cases. If you choose one of their case files, be sure to open it before the light leaves the horizon.


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Sins Of The Father
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Can You Save A Bloodline?

What lengths would you go to in order to support and protect your family? Placed in a desperate situation, Rudolph Greenwood is given an opportunity to provide his family everything they could ever want - unbeknownst to him, it will come at a cost that will echo throughout the generations to follow.

Decades later, Jonas Greenwood has traced back his family lineage in search of an answer to his family's dreadful luck. He thinks he might have finally found the beginning of things in a collection of letters belonging to his great-grandfather and a mysterious package hidden in the attic. Can you retrace his steps and join him in undoing the sins of the father?


Ages 16+

5 puzzles

Online Hints

Multiple Artifacts






